It's A Panoramic view you can really get behind and never fogs. The other guys all-plastic mask lens fogs and scratches, they can't compete. (See why)
The Zero Plus Mask Systems will take your game to a new level, crystal clear, the one you can see all over the ice to improve your game over a full bird cage or the one piece plastics which fog because the inside scratches day one and wiping it wears out the anti-fog because it's not scratch resistant inside.
Two adult models. Same dimensions except Standard Large is 1" longer at the chin at the chin vs Medium/small. Both HECC approved B1 all players.
Players 10 and Under Zero Plus U-10 is here. HECC approved B2.
No more foggy lens or condensation. The inside lens coatings resist scratching and are equipped with advanced anti-fog coating. Finally, no more square wire bars blocking your vision. Just perfect on-ice hockey clarity through a three inch pro-style polycarbonate lens.
What makes our Zero Plus masks the best?
- Technical upgrades: New lens design and positioning. The lens was raised to the top edge of the helmet just below and overlapping the cage frame, setting the lens in optimum position for superior vision
- The second horizontal bar sets the lens away from the helmet and face to increase air-flow turbulence, keeping you cool while you play.
- The third lens feature tilts the lens out to deflect impact and allow circulation to the upper part of the face and eyes
- The best lens coatings on the market with advance coatings baked on both sides for scratch resistance and anti-fog.
- The lower cage frame starts to pitch back towards the face and again is designed to deflect shots and allow you great lower face protection and airflow.
- Another benefit of combining lens with wire is significantly more airflow (vs a polycarbonate cage frame) and the ability to design better than in a full injection molded frame.
- The chin cup can adjust to loop the cup around the lower two vertical bars or allow it to float for optional fit to the chin.
The majority of all hockey players they wear full cages. With our visor lens your view just keeps getting better. This combination of wire frame surrounding the lens is unique. And for hockey players the entire design passes the “mirror test” so your buddies don't ridicule. Plus, the high impact polycarbonate lens is replaceable.
Not convinced yet? Click here to read our testimonials from happy customers.
Your brain and eyes, the edge.
How fast can you react? Wearing a mask covering the eyes slows the brain and decision making.
Total visual clarity at the speeds of hockey play is paramount to playing your best.
A simple test is looking though a full cage and then slowly raise it up till you see clearly. Your brain will immediately change and your vision instantly improves your decision making without bars covering your eyes. You are buying combo face shield and lens so your vision will be at optimum performance and your decision making superior.